

KEY VISUAL ! 22 Backyard Mammut MKM I Christoph Johann

Photo taken by @MKM | Christoph Johann & Tim Marcour


MKM | Christoph Johann & Tim Marcour


Julia Rau

Why go out of your way to find the perfect descent when the most impressive ones are right on your doorstep? In the film “Backyard,” Nadine Wallner combines five of the most challenging lines on the Arlberg in Austria, on a tour comprising a total ascent of 10,000 feet. And all in one day. But what do you do if something happens despite meticulous planning? Keep going or call it off? Watch the film and find out.

If you thought you had to go out of your way to find extreme lines, technical skiing, and impressive drop-ins, you’d be wrong. Nadine Wallner – two-time winner of the Freeride World Tour, Mammut and Red Bull athlete, internationally certified mountain guide – shows us that the greatest adventures can be found right on your doorstep, in her case the Arlberg in Austria.  

The project comprises five descents, ascents totaling 10,000 feet, and 18 miles of skiing. All in one day. For this to succeed, Nadine needs a strong team by her side. Aside from an inspiring team spirit, only those who are in peak physical form, motivated, and capable of mastering extremely steep and difficult descents will qualify. An expert risk assessment is also essential. Nadine found her team in the experienced mountain guides Yannick and ski guide Dino.

A skier wearing a bright orange Mammut jacket smiles while holding skis and poles amid heavy snowfall on the mountain.
Two adventurers in Mammut orange jackets with headlamps, trekking through the dark wilderness at night.
Aerial view of snow-covered mountain slopes with rugged rocks and shadows, showcasing the rugged alpine terrain ideal for Mammut gear.

MKM | Christoph Johann & Tim Marcour

The challenges are great: you can normally count yourself lucky if conditions are good enough to ski two or three of the planned lines in one season. But riding all five in one day is another matter entirely. Then there's the length of the tour and the physical exhaustion, not to mention the darkness that inevitably descends, making skiing a challenging line even more difficult. 

But what if, despite months of preparation, excellent local knowledge, and extensive expertise, something unexpected happens? Do you keep going or call it off?  

Nadine Wallner rides five of the most challenging lines on the Arlberg in Austria in one day. Watch now on Red Bull TV.

Two climbers wearing Mammut gear ascend a snowy mountain ridge at sunrise, surrounded by clouds and distant alpine peaks.

MKM | Christoph Johann & Tim Marcour

Nadine Wallner a skier wearing Mammut gear stands atop a snow-covered mountain peak under a clear blue sky in the Swiss Alps.
A lone climber wearing Mammut gear stands atop a snow-covered mountain peak, surrounded by the rugged peaks of the Alps under a clear blue sky.

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