FAQ for Barryvox 2 & S2

1. First time connection / get started

Try to turn the Barryvox off and on again. Bluetooth is only active for the first 30 secs after start-up.

Delete your Barryvox from your Bluetooth device list and add it again.

The Barryvox and Barryvox S work with the W-Link as a communication channel and not Bluetooth like the Barryvox 2 and Barryvox S2, meaning a connection is not possible.

2. Firmware Update

Connect your Barryvox via App and reinstall the firmware on to your device.

3. Owner Information

The owner information is shown at every start-up and can be personalized e.g. with your name and phone number in case your Barryvox is lost.

It is stored locally on your Barryvox S2. At start-up your owner information is displayed on the screen.

4. Changing Settings

All changes must be confirmed in the end by first going to view and then apply settings.

5. Registration

It is displayed under device details in your devices tab.

6. Trainingspark

Mobile Version of an avalanche training center/park, so you can practice your avalanche rescue skills everywhere.

You will need at least 1 Barryvox 2/S2 to connect to the app, and 1 additional transceiver to perform the transceiver search, as well as shovel and probe.

With Mountain Guides and avalanche specialist we created different search scenarios to get you started on practicing basic transceiver search and improve your skillset with more complex scenarios.

Devices have to be known to the app. First go back to the device tab and add each one individually to your device list before starting your training.

Restart the app and try connecting them again. 

  • There’s a 1 min timeout after a probe hit was detected, make sure to wait this minute after a probe hit before starting again. 

  • The smartphone must be located within in bluetooth range (max. 20m) to communicate with the Barryvox and acknowledge the probe hit. Make sure to be in range by standing in the indicated area (in the center of all devices laid out).

The Bluetooth range is around 20 m but can vary depending on the snow and terrain conditions. Make sure to stand in the indicated area (in the center of all devices laid out) to have optimal range.

The device is not sending a 457 kHz signal anymore and cannot be found by a transceiver

You can tap on the device to open the full list, choose to mute the device or long press the device to directly mute it.

7. Privacy and Security

Some app features are not available in all regions, meaning location tracking is used. Read our Data Protection Policy to learn more.