The End of Mammut Climbax

Als de omstandigheden op de berg niet ideaal zijn, kan zelfs het beste materiaal geen succesvolle beklimming garanderen. Na de introductie van 's werelds eerste en met een ISPO Gold Award bekroonde klimtracker Mammut Climbax in 2021, moeten we nu voor de top terugkeren.

Vanwege de huidige materiaaltekorten en de hoge onderhoudskosten die we handhaven voor onze kwaliteitsnormen,Mammut Klimaxen de bijbehorende appMammut Klimmenzal wordenNiet meer leverbaar vanaf 31 juli 2022.

What does this mean for Climbax users?

Mammut Climbax and the Mammut Climb app will no longer work after July 31st, 2022.

All customers are kindly asked to return their Mammut Climbax climbing tracker by August 15th, 2022. Please see contact details below.

Sustainability is crucial to us. Therefore, Mammut will recycle Climbax to reuse the components for other innovative products.

We will delete all user data according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR / DPA 2018).

Mammut will reimburse the total purchase price to all customers and gift them with a compensation in the form of a climbing product.

If you own a pair of Climbax trackers and have not received an e-mail yet, please get in touch with us to receive a free return label, claim your refund and receive your gift via

As a brand, we have stood for quality, safety, and innovation since 1862, and continue to do so. However, to ensure that we reach the next summit safely, even we must turn back on those rare occasions.

We apologize for the inconvenient circumstances and appreciate your understanding.

Best regards and climb on,

Your Mammut team