
  • Mammut Alugator Pro Light, neon orange - Neon orange
  • Mammut Alugator Pro Light, neon orange - Neon orange
Alugator Pro Light
Robust, præstationsdrevet skovl til sne- og skredredning.


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Hvordan var din oplevelse på denne side?

Mammut lavineskovle er en afgørende del af dit lavineudstyr, designet til at hjælpe dig med hurtigt og effektivt at grave begravede lavineofre fri. Letvægtige, holdbare og hurtige at samle, Mammut-skovle handler om ydeevne, når det virkelig gælder. 

In an emergency situation, every second counts. That’s why all our Shovels feature hardened blades specifically designed to cut through avalanche debris. Ergonomic, T-grip handles fit comfortably in your hand, and ensure efficient transfer of energy. This allows you to move large amounts of snow quickly while minimizing fatigue. Telescopic shafts mean that you can quickly and easily assemble your Shovel, even in high-stress situations. 

Compact and lightweight, Mammut Avalanche Shovels can be stowed in small backpacks, making them easy to carry no matter what your plan is. With a range of weights, blade shapes and sizes, our collection of Shovels has the perfect tool for every winter enthusiast. Whether you're ski touring, freeriding, or mountaineering, having a shovel as part of your Avalanche Equipment is a must. 

Crafted with quality materials, Mammut Shovels are built to last. Don't take chances in avalanche-prone terrain! Invest in a Mammut Shovel today, and you’ll be investing in your safety and the safety of those around you.