Christoph om att Àndra tillgÄng pÄ Konkordia Hut
Utanför tjuter obestÀndiga vindar över glaciÀren. FörhÄllandena vid Konkordiaplatz kan vara oförlÄtande, men inne i Konkordia Hut skrattar gÀsterna och spelar kort i vÀrmen. VÀnliga ansikten omger Christoph Sager; en respekterad, ödmjuk man. Fascinerad av stugans lÄnga historia, pratar vi om hans skötsel av stugan över en öl - en vÀlkommen belöning efter en lÄng dags klÀttring.
With the glacier melting, access to the hut has become more difficult over time. How do you manage the infrastructure of the hut to ensure people will continue to enjoy it?
The first Konkordia Hut was built 50 meters above the glacier in 1877, but now towers around 200 meters above Konkordiaplatz. The SAC Section Grindelwald work tirelessly to keep the hut accessible - transitioning from ladders to steel staircases in the 1970âs - with many difficulties. This summer, they had to move the entire staircase due to rockfalls and vertical rock faces. However, if the glacierâs thickness continues to shrink by an average of one meter per year, itâs likely the location will have to be abandoned.
"I 1877 lÀmnade du isen och var vid stugan. Nu tar det 467 steg."
You lived in the hut for a few years with your family, can you tell us about your daily life there and what looking after a hut entails?
We lived at the Konkordia Hut for a total of nine years. From school age onwards, there was one teacher for each of our three children in the team and two to three hut helpers. With 155 beds, there was a big balancing act between empty and full because of changes in access during different seasons. Therefore, improvisation and flexibility were a must, and exactly what we really liked about the challenge. The range of tasks as a hut warden is almost limitless. These range from managing a large household, to technical challenges in all kinds of areas, including medical action.
How does it feel to witness the changes to the glacier personally?
As the Konkordia hut warden, I have seen the changes very clearly. The retreat of the glacier and securing the ascent to the hut are challenges that spice up my everyday life. Glaciers are beautiful and fascinating to watch, itâs like time unfolding in front of you. I have already found fossilized shells in steep cliffs that are thousands or millions of years oldâa genuine piece of the Earthâs historical timeline. All of this continues to fill me with admiration and awe at the glacier.