
Credit cards:
To ensure maximum security, your credit card details are encrypted using the SSL protocol before being transmitted. When you place an order, we reserve the purchase amount on your credit card. The sum is not deducted until the goods are dispatched. We use 3-D Secure for credit card payments. 3-D Secure is a process used to ensure additional safety for online credit card transactions. It was developed by VISA and is used for the Verified by Visa service and Mastercard SecureCode. 3-D Secure is intended to reduce the risk of fraud. When 3-D Secure is used for your order, a connection to the card issuer is created and you are then asked to confirm your identity by means of a password or by authentication on a smartphone. If the authentication is successful, the credit card payment will be processed.

If you select PayPal as the payment method, you will then be asked to log in to your PayPal account and confirm the payment. The purchase amount is simply reserved when you place the order. The sum will only be debited from your PayPal account when the goods are dispatched. 

Kreditkort/Betalkort:Ditt kreditkort eller bankkort kommer att reserveras med det totala vÀrdet av din bestÀllning. Med godkÀnnande frÄn kortutfÀrdaren debiterar vi det totala beloppet nÀr ordern skickas.
*Din betalning med kort har avvisats och du kan inte slutföra transaktionen. Var god kontrollera följande orsaker.
-Du kan ha angett viss information felaktigt.
-Du kan ha nÄtt din kreditgrÀns. Vi rekommenderar att du kontaktar din kortutfÀrdare för att kontrollera grÀnsen.
-Om din anledning inte Àr nÄgon av ovanstÄende, Àr vÄrt kundserviceteam glada att hjÀlpa dig. Vi kan dock inte fÄ tillgÄng till detaljerna i ditt bankkonto eller ditt kort.
*Ditt köp nekades, men du har fortfarande en vÀntande auktorisering pÄ ditt kort.
Om ditt köp inte lyckades kommer alla reservationer pÄ ditt betalkort frislÀppas automatiskt. Beroende pÄ din kortutfÀrdare kan det ta ett antal dagar innan detta Äterspeglas pÄ ditt konto.
*NÀr din bestÀllning delvis eller helt avbokas slÀpps det reserverade beloppet omedelbartPaypal:Vi kommer att reservera det totala vÀrdet av din order. Med godkÀnnande frÄn Paypal kommer vi att debitera det totala beloppet nÀr ordern skickas.
* Om din order delvis eller helt avbokas kommer det reserverade beloppet att friges omedelbartiDEAL:Vi kommer att debitera det totala vÀrdet av din bestÀllning omedelbart nÀr du slutför bestÀllningen.
Delvis eller fullstÀndig avbokning av Mammut: VÀrdet pÄ produkten eller bestÀllningen kommer att Äterbetalas till ditt iDEAL-konto.

Credit cards: Refunds are made after returned goods have been received and checked and are paid to the credit card used to pay for the order. You will receive an email informing you when the credit has been issued. It is possible that it may take some time for the refund to appear on your statement.

PayPal: The refund will be made to the PayPal account used to make the payment after receipt and checking of the returned goods.

We will send the invoice containing all the required information by email together with confirmation of dispatch.

Billing and shipping addresses can not be customzed after a successful order. Invoices will not sent by post


MAMMUT erbjuder följande betalningsalternativ.

  • Red and white DK logo
    Visa Dankfort
  • paypal coloured logo
  • visa coloured logo
  • Mastercard