
  • Mammut Stretch Glove, black - Black
  • Mammut Stretch Glove, black - Black
Stretch Glove
Univerzální, pružná rukavice

ECONYL® | Fair Wear | Recycled

  • Mammut Fleece Pro Glove, black - Black
  • Mammut Fleece Pro Glove, black - Black
  • Mammut Fleece Pro Glove, black - Black
Fleece Pro Glove
Univerzální fleecová rukavice

bluesign® PRODUCT | Fair Wear

  • Mammut Astro Glove, black - Black
  • Mammut Astro Glove, black - Black
Astro Glove
Rukavice na všechny účely

Fair Wear | Recycled

  • Mammut Passion Glove, black mélange - Black mélange
  • Mammut Passion Glove, black mélange - Black mélange
Passion Glove
Vodoodpudivé vlněné rukavice s flísovou podšívkou

Fair Wear

  • Mammut Stoney Glove, dark marsh - Dark marsh
  • Mammut Stoney Glove, dark marsh - Dark marsh
Stoney Glove
Všestranné lyžařské rukavice

PFC-free DWR | Fair Wear | Recycled

  • Mammut Nordwand Pro Glove, black - Black
  • Mammut Nordwand Pro Glove, black - Black
  • Mammut Nordwand Pro Glove, black - Black
Mammut Eiger Extreme - Logo
Eiger Extreme
Nordwand Pro Glove
Odolné rukavice pro lyžařské túry a horolezectví.

Fair Wear

  • Mammut Eiger Free Glove, black - Black
  • Mammut Eiger Free Glove, black - Black
Mammut Eiger Extreme - Logo
Eiger Extreme
Eiger Free Glove
Nepromokavé kožené rukavice

PFC-free DWR | Fair Wear


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Jak byla vaše zkušenost s touto stránkou?

Mammut rukavice jsou klíčovou součástí šatníku každého nadšence do outdoorových aktivit. Jsou navrženy tak, aby podporovaly různé horské sporty po celý rok, a poskytují dokonalou rovnováhu mezi teplem, odolností a obratností. Prozkoumej naši kolekci pánských a dámských rukavic a připrav se na své další dobrodružství!

For your coldest moments on the mountain, browse our range of robust, insulated Gloves and Mittens. Available in a variety of styles, they’ll see you through the toughest conditions. Weather-resistant and highly compressible, they’re perfect for your biggest adventures. Non-slip grip and comfortable fits mean you can move your fingers freely and use them with confidence. The perfect choice for big mountain moments – from mountaineering, ski-touring and resort skiing, these reliable gloves will bring you closer to the mountain. Push your performance and brave the elements, no matter what! 

In warmer temperatures or for fast-paced winter ascents, browse our range of lightweight Gloves. Slim-fitting and with a firm grip, these are ideal for spring ski touring, winter and high-altitude hikes, trail running and mountain biking. Browse our super-light, breathable options for on the go activities, or our weather-resistant options for more durability. Packable and quick to dry, these versatile accessories are a staple for every adventure. 

Don't let cold hands hold you back! Be prepared for anything with a pair of Gloves. Face the elements with confidence, and enjoy every moment!